Monday, April 4, 2022

MacGyvers to the rescue.


No doubt the Uringan set up crew for the Inner West Council Senior Festival will remember just how atrocious the weather was when we arrived at Callan Park. Quite frankly mad dogs and orienteers go out in the rain. The tide was extremely high almost lapping over the top of the stone wall shore. The rain was incessant. Down right miserable......

Meanwhile out on the course Zoe and Dave were heroically putting out controls. Alas this was when the “great drop” occurred. Zoe was in the midst of putting out control 110 when the unit slipped from her grasp. Normally this is not an issue as you simply bend down and pick it up and start all over again.

Unfortunately the control feature – a fence was to stop people from falling down a 4 metre drop and yes you guessed it with a neat double somersault with twist the control unit flew through the fence and landed at the bottom of the drop. There was no easy way down. Scale the fence- no: lower yourself in maybe achievable if you survive the drop but then you have to get back out!

Zoe went to the main door of Kilbride, used the intercom but it would appear that no one was home. With soggy gear Zoe finished her tasks and headed to assembly where a new control was prepped and hung without dropping.

Youngster and far more agile Greg Dominish was dispatched to check it out. Perhaps his youth and tallness would save the day- nope!

A forlorn Zoe checking out her handiwork
After a fun event Dave and Zoe were left to try to solve the case of the dropped si unit. Best idea was to wait until Monday and contact security.

You can see the control just above the grate

Enter the MacGyvers (aka Peter Hopper and Sharon Lambert). Sharon heard of the missing unit when she went for a walk with mum on Friday afternoon and further discussions were had with Zoe at the Metrogainne. Using great problem solving and ingenuity Sharon and Peter returned to the scene of the drop, armed with some goodies from Bunnings.

Carefully strapping lengths of timber together, Peter maneuvered the “long” pole over the fence and bingo was able to get it to poke through the hole in the unit. However, it would not cooperate and stay on the stick. Aha all was not lost as the MacGyvers had also brought along MacGyver's favourite substance- Blue tack!  A large dollop was attached to the end of the pole and with some very careful manipulation it was firmly stuck on the si unit and slowly and carefully it was rescued form the bottom of the chasm.

Peter Hopper with the catch of the day!

Each control unit is worth approx. $150 and the BSF 7 units are no longer being made and so are irreplaceable so its rescue was extremely important.

Thank you MacGyvers – Sharon and Peter

By the way the event was quite successful despite the early rain. When the participants arrived the rain had stopped and the sun even made a milky appearance and all seemed to enjoy themselves. We all certainly enjoyed the snack boxes supplied by the Inner West Council and prepared by Kallicocatering.

If by chance you are looking for a caterers these people would be worth a chat.

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