Friday, December 18, 2020

Sporting Schools Offers Orienteering in Double Bay / Rushcutters Bay...with a little help from Uringa

Uringan Frances Richards debuted as an orienteering coach for ONSW through the Sporting Schools Program in November, with support from physical education teacher Natalie Demetriou

Sporting Schools offers schools financial help to increase children's activity by introducing them to community sports. ONSW provides the coaches, the equipment and the curriculum. 

 Eighty-seven children in years 3, 4, 5, and 6 had some weeks of coaching. For the last week each group undertook a score course at Steyne Park across from the school, complete with electronic punching. Helping out on the day was SI guru Ron Pallas, Kelvin Meng, Dave Lotty and Mary Jane Mahony. 

Uringa offered the final even, a free line course the following Sunday morning at Rushcutters Bay. Fifteen participants (nearly all family groups with children from the school) turned up on a very hot,  windy, sunny day.

1 comment:

Frances Richards said...

Lovely event in Rushcutter's Bay Park. It was great to hear the children say how much they loved maps!