Monday, October 22, 2012

'Snow' Hills non-event

It must have been an (unwanted) first in State League History. Schedule as the first two 2013 State League Events, and then postponed, to be the last two, Snow Hills (organised by Big Foot) was finally cancelled altogether earlier this month.

Preparing for and running bush orienteering events is no small task. Cancelling an event is a hard decision to make... but clearly the right one. In spite of appearances in the second photo below, there was a lot of standing water.

We were some of the Uringans who had organised and committed ourselves to a weekend in the southern highlands (again).

What the weather and the landscape looked like on Friday on the way to Canberra, about when we got the message that the Snow Hills events had been cancelled.

What the weather and the landscape looked like on Saturday afternoon heading back to Sydney from Braidwood.

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