Friday, March 8, 2024

Uringa Orienteers Celebrates 50th Anniversary

Lunch at the Palace Hotel, Mortlake, on Sunday, March 3rd, saw many long term Uringans together with some newer members celebrate the club’s anniversary.

Uringa Orienteers was formed in May 1974 to share the load of supporting orienteering in southern Sydney with Kareelah Orienteering Club.  (Kareelah was founded to serve the southern Sydney suburbs in 1972 as NSW’s second orienteering club, while Bennelong Occasional Orienteers, founded in 1971, served the northern suburbs).   

Dave Lotty was elected inaugural president and continued in that role to 1986 (today he continues serving the club as Treasurer). 

Subsequent club presidents were Dick Ogilvie (1987-1990), Rollin Burford (1991-1992), Keith Richardson (1993-1994), Terry Murphy (1995-1998), Lisa Lampe (2000-2002), Matt Peters (2003-2007), Ron Pallas (2008-2010), Linda Sesta (2011-2016), Jim Mackay (2017-2018), Anthony Nolan (2019-present). [Five former club presidents and the current president were present. Many of the others present are listed for one or more club officer/director/committee roles, and for a few years.]

Uringa has many family stories. Three generations of orienteers from one family were present.

And no Uringa social event is complete without Gayle Shepherd's contests, with winners always receiving interesting prizes.

What’s happened since 1974 (apart from organising countless local and state events)?

1975: first club constitution

1980: first club t-shirt

1981: first club Life Member: Dave Lotty

1986: Margaret Wilmott agrees to make the club’s first O-suits

1988: first President’s Cup

1989: Uringa, Kareelah and Illawarra Orienteers organise and run the Australian 3-Days.

1990: New O Suits made by Terry and Cheryl Bluett of Bennelong

1991: ‘Rolly Burford and David McKenna have launched a new concept in orienteering – The Sydney Summer Series. Single courses will be set on 5 maps on Saturday’s [sic] in November and early December.’ (source: Uringa Orienteers The Fourth Newsletter for 1991)

1991: Dick Ogilvie awarded Life Membership

1995: New club constitution

1995: Uringa celebrates 21st birthday

1996: John and Marie Wilmott awarded Life Membership

1996: the Uringa tracksuit

1999: Uringa stages Australian Championships

2001: New club constitution

2001: Club decides to invest in Sport Ident (SI)

2002: Club agrees to support investigations towards holding a Junior World Orienteering Championships (JWOC) in Dubbo Region

2003: Club flag made by Gayle Shepherd. Gayle was also making Uringa O-suits by this time.

2007: JWOC in Dubbo. Uringa in charge of starts (very early in the morning in the middle of winter).

2009: Club agrees to a standing annual donation to the ONSW School Team.

2010: Start, Finish and Uringa banners purchased

2012: New club shirts (Coolmax)

2012: Arthur Durham awarded Life Membership

2014: Club celebrates 40th anniversary

2014: Ron Pallas and Maureen Ogilvie awarded Life Membership

2018: New club shirts (Bryzos, current shirt)

2019: Club incorporates. New constitution.

If you have something to add to the list above, or disagree with an item, please email

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