Monday, August 27, 2012

State League 10 - 'Beyond Rocklea' - Uringa's 2012 State League Event

Saturday was bright sunshine and a cold wind at Belanglo State Forest, just as well that Uringa was running an afternoon event. Club members arriving mid-morning to do the day's set up work felt the chill. It is always 'all-hands-on-deck' for club events; a result is that there is time for socialising as well.

What do you do? Well, the first step is always to look for Maureen and Dick's yellow van!

There are lots of setting up jobs,

 but the one that must be done, in a special place, and no one really want to do it is...

Maggie's commitment to training and junior development means there is always a string course to set up for the rising little orienteerers.

Ah, yes, and then there's the socialising before and after the event...

And then it's time to pack up, after an event enjoyed by all, inspite of the temperature.

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