As well as the Middle race there was the sprint at Macquarie Uni on Saturday morning. Once again there was only a small field of Uringans. Unfortunately I do not have a copy of the map to scan in.
3rd Sophie Jones
4th Louis Mansfield
Boys Junior League 3rd Lawrence Jones
Girls Junior League 4th Georgia Jones
W45A Lisa Lampe 9th
W45A Sonia Kupina 10th
M45A Ian Jones 6th
M45A Alan Mansfield 16th
M55A Ian McKenzie 8th
NOL5 @ Belanglo State Forest- Miners Despair
(or rather older orienteers Despair!)
Wll this was a tough event. The courses were long and physicall
y hard. The rock formations made it a long hard slog. Winnings times were long and so mere mortals were out for looooong times indeed.
A few re-inforcemts arrived for this event. There were some excellent performances overall.
M/W10N Jared McKenna 1st
Green EOD Jared McKenna 1st
M35AS Dave Mckenna 2nd
M45AS Ron Pallas 6th
M65A Dave Lotty 4th
M65A Dick Ogilvie 5th
W21AS Jane McKenna 4th
W35AS Gayle Shepherd 1st
W40A Linda Sesta 2nd
W45A Lisa Lampe 7th
W65A Angela Murray 2nd
W70A Maureen Ogilvie 3rd
Oh well Metros are on again in a week or two!
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