There were some who thought the pines were a bit much but then again it was a good run for the first State league event of the year.
Uringa did pretty well.
Gayle Shepherd W35AS 45:10 3
Sibylle Boos W40A 53:03 4
Matthias Boos M35AS 43:27 1
Noel Boos M-12A dns
Corsin Boos M-10A 23:24 2
Lisa Lampe W45A 1:07:07 3
Dick Ogilvie M65A 46:58 2
Maureen Ogilvie W70A 43:51 1
Linda Sesta W40A 49:27 2
Sarah Garnett W50A 52:25 7
Rick Steele M45AS 33:17 1
Bronwyn Steele W-20A dns
Dave Lotty M60A 46:14 2
Terry Murphy M60A 51:54 5
Helen Murphy W45AS 37:00 1
Clare Murphy W21A dns
Margaret Wilmott W50A 1:11:57 9
Nick Wilmott M40A dns
Ingrid Wilmott M/W-10N mp
Mary Jane Mahony W60A 1:07:46 6
Angela Murray W60A 56:21 4
Dave McKenna M21AS 48:45 4
Jane McKenna M35AS 1:22:40 6
Jared McKenna M/W-10N dns
Jan Sargood W50A mp
Mark Darvodelsky M50A 41:26 2
Anne Darvodelsky W35AS 41:25 1
An impressive array of results.
Now the item of greatest concern was the damage done to Sarah's washing up hand. 4 stitches were required to close a massive cut on her hand. Her doctors suggested that a month off washing, cooking and cleaning were required. Rick is apparently seeking a second third and fourth opinion.
Perhaps the strangest happening in Bathurst was the convoy of cars seeking out a suitable coffee establishment. "The Mag" led the motorcade through Bathurst with Jan and Lisa following. They managed to restore caffeine levels to a suitably satisfying levels before heading off to their various places of rest ready for SL2 at Ophir Diggings.
Event Report to follow when results become available.
1 comment:
Cutting edge commentary had Sarah in stitches!
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