A virtual bus load of Uringans headed down to the ACT Championships this weekend. With 3 vents over the two days there were sure to be some very sore legs.
Event 1 the sprint was run in the grounds of Bruce Tafe. The trouble with sprint events is one slip, no matter how minor can send you plummeting down the leader board. However we had a number of excellent performances.
Corsin Boos M10 1st
Noel Boos M12A 1st
Matthias Boos M21A 36th
Dave Lotty M55A 11th
Terry Murphy M55A 18th
Dick Ogilvie M65A 2nd
Clare Murphy W21A 27th
Sibylle Boos W35A 2nd
Linda Sesta W35A 4th
Lisa Lampe W45A 14th
Helen Murphy W55A 7th
Angela Murray W55A 8th
Maureen Ogilvie W75A 1st
The afternoon saw competitors head out of town for the forest for the Middle Distance event and Wild Deer Plains
The Uringa numbers were bolstered by a second bus load of competitors. Angela Murray maintained her consistent form with a solid midfield placement. Sibylle Boos is making the most of her last few aussies runs with fine form however a blue on the 6th control where she dropped 2 minutes to the winner Karen Blatchford proved very costly in the end. Linda Sesta made one of her rare mistakes punching the wrong first control. Youngster Lawrence Jones continues to impress in his first year on orange courses with a fine 2nd place.
You have to feel for Jane Mckenna in W21A after 5.3kms her last control was not registered..
Corsin Boos M10 2nd
Noel Boos M12A 4th
Lawrence Jones M14A 2nd
Matthais Boos M21A 36th
Ian Jones M35A 4th
Dave Lotty M55A 16th
Zuz Burford M55A 18th
Terry Murphy M55A 19th
Dick Ogilvie M65A 3rd
Sophie Jones W10 4th
Georgia Jones W12 mp
Clare Murphy W21A 26th
Jane McKenna W21A mp
Sibylle Boos W35A 2nd
Margaret Jones 8th
Linda Sesta W35A mp
Lisa Lampe W45A 5th
Jitka KoprivaW55A 6th
Angela Murray W55A 9th
Helen Murphy W55A 16th
Maureen Ogilvie W75A 1st
Matthais Boos EOD 2nd
The Long Champs were held at Geary’s Gap north of Canberra on Sunday.
Again Uringa members did very well with a number standing on the podium. Felt a little sorry for Noel and Matthias Boos who both missed the number one spot by 3 seconds and 2 seconds respectively.
Sibylle overturned the previous two results with a 1st in W35A and Linda Sesta was right behind her for an excellent 2nd place. Jane, David and Jared McKenna all scored 1st places so that car was pretty happy heading home
Corsin Boos M10 2nd
Noel Boos M12A 2nd
Lawrence Jones M14A 3rd
Matthias Boos M21AS 2nd
Ian Jones M35A 7th
Dave McKenna M45AS 1st
Dave Lotty M55A 10th
Zuzu Burford M55AS 3rd
Dick Ogilvie M65A 4th
Sophie Jones W10 7th
Georgia Jones W12 1st
Jane McKenna W21AS 1st
Sibylle Boos W35A 1st
Linda Sesta W35A 2nd
Margaret Jones 13th
Lisa Lampe W45A 12th
Jitka KoprivaW55A 12th
Angela Murray W55A 14th
Maureen Ogilvie W75A 1st
Jared McKenna EOD Blue 1st
Well that’s all for now